We, each and everyone of us, are capable and powerful beyond our realizations. We affect all that is around us at all times. We practice healing or diseasing ourselves and our environment all the time and are either aware of it or just doing it by habit without realizing it.
Now, imagine and see yourself learning to energize you on demand, people you love or not, clients, co-workers, bosses, your craft, art, or anything you wish whenever and wherever.
A Sample
Check this out. This Distance Energy Emission Video shows Amean energizing a bottle of water from a distance. At the time, Amean was in Los Angeles, CA and the recording was taking place in San Francisco, CA about 400 miles away! Do you see the aura & energy of the person drinking the energized water changing colors? Drinking the energized water energized the person.
In this radio show, Amean Hameed guides you through a meditation to develop and use your abilities to connect to Divine Energy, Divine Intelligence, and receive a highly energized divine energy transmission to open the heart and receive energy, joy and abundance. He will help you learn how to practice energizing and healing your loved ones.
The show is archived and you can listen and practice as often as you like.
Please remember to bring and place a bottle of water next to you to receive the energy as well and drink it later as you like.